Catalogue en ligne

Lot 863
FROM THE COUNT BUTURLIN’S LIBRARY JEAN ROUSSET DE MISSY (1686-1762) Nestesuranoi I. Mémoires du règne de Pierre le Grand. - Nouv. éd. Amsterdam, 1729-1737. JEAN EN ROUSSET DE MISSY (1686-1762) Notes on the reign of Peter the Great, Emperor of Russia, father of the Fatherland. - New ed.: in 4 vols.
12 000 15 000

Lot 867
EMPRESS MARIA FEODOROVNA (1759-1828) THE LIBRARY OF THE PAVLOVSK PALACE MICHEL LE VASSOR (1648?-1718) Histoire du règne de Louis XIII, roi de France et de Navarre: 10 p. en 18 vol. Amsterdam, Zacharie Châtelain, 1750-1751. MICHELLE LEVASSEUR (1648?-1718) History of the reign of Louis XIII, king of France and Navarre: 10 v. in 18 books.
40 000 50 000

Lot 868
PALLAS P. S. FLORA OF RUSSIA Pallas P. S. Flora Rossica, seu Stirpium Imperii Rossici per Europam et Asiam indigenarum descriptiones et icones / Iussu et auspiciis Catharinae II. augustae edidit P. S. Pallas. Petropoli: E Typographia Imperiali J. J. Weitbrecht, 1784-1788. Flora of Russia, a description of the plants of the Russian state with their images by the All Highest order and with support of her imp. Majesty, published by P. S. Pallas.
30 000 40 000

Lot 869
FROM THE COLLECTION OF VASILY DRUZHININ (1859-1936) SOPIKOV VASILY STEPANOVICH (1765-1818) An Experience of Russian bibliography or a Complete dictionary of works and translations printed in the Slavonic and Russian languages from the beginning of the usage of printing presses until 1813; with a Foreword serving as an introduction to this science, completely unknown in Russia, with a history of the beginning and success of printing in Europe in General, and especially in Russia, with notes about ancient rare books and their editions, and with brief extracts from them.
6 000 8 000

Lot 884
POUKEVIL F.-S. (1770-1838) The life of Ali Pasha Yaninsky from his childhood to 1821, Containing a detailed and faithful description of his extraordinary atrocities and terrible tyranny towards the enslaved peoples of Greece, with his portrait attached / writ. G. Pukevil, who lived in Greece from 1806 to the present time: in 3 v.
2 500 3 000

Lot 1046
Valeriy Bryusov (1873-1924), AUTOGRAPH Handwritten letter to Zinaida. 1/14 September 1907.
15 000 20 000