ENTSIKLOPEDIA, ili Kratkoe nachertanie nauk i vsekh chastei uchenosti; Perevedena s nemetskago na rossiiskii yazyk Imperatorskago Moskovskago universiteta vol’nym pansionerom Ivanom Shuvalovym. [ENCYCLOPEDIA, or Brief Outline of Sciences and All Kinds of Science; Translated from German into Russian by Ivan Shuvalov, a free pansioner of the Imperial Moscow University.] M.: Univ. tip., u N. Novikova, 1781.

Lot 805
1-48, 50-76 [= 75] pp.; 8°. Title page and text in parallel German and Russian languages. Dedicated to Mikhail Matveyevich Kheraskov, curator of the Imperial Moscow University and privy councilor. In period composite cardboard binding. Leather spine, colored paper. In good condition, with marks and traces of moisture on the covers. The publication belongs to the line of ‘Novikov's’ educational editions, intended for the education of the younger generation. The encyclopaedic information is compiled in the form of questions and answers. The edition is a bibliographic rarity and reveals the content and system of knowledge, according to which children of noble families of the Catherine II era were educated. Bibliography: SK XVIII. No. 8648.