JOSEPH ARTHUR COMTE DE GOBINEAU (1816-1882) “Voyage à Terre-Neuve” [Journey to Newfoundland] Paris, Librairie de L.Hachette et Cie, 1861. Imprimerie de Ch.Lahure et Cie, Paris
Lot 802
1 vol. In-12. 311 p.
First edition. Bound in contemporary half brown basane [Mespoulède-fils in Périgueux], gilt title, speckled edges. Hawker's stamp on false title.
Foxing on a few leaves. Copy in good condition.
Travelogue. In French.
Chapters: I The crossing, II Saint-Pierre, III Sydney, IV Stay in Sydney, V Halifax, VI Excursions, VII Saint Georges Bay, VIII Codroy and Red Island, IX The Bay of Islands, X The East Coast, XI Saint John and the Fisheries, XII Customs.
(Clouzot p. 133 - Sabin 27620 - Chadenat 3760).
18 x 12 x 2 cm
Joseph Arthur Count of Gobineau
French diplomat and writer.