NICHOLAS ROERICH (1874-1947) Old Man. 1902
Lot 129
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inscribed in Cyrillic on the reverse in the artist’s hand: ‘N 41 Etude / Dorogomy Aleksandru Feodorovichu Belomu / / N.Rerikh / 19 jnv. 909.’; bearing an old stamp of the Austro-Hungarian post
oil on board
30.5 x 39.3 cm
painted in 1902
Provenance: A.F.Belyi, St Petersburg, 1909–1918;
Mr. Nikiforov, St Petersburg, 1918–?
List of Nicholas Roerich paintings, compiled by A.P. Ivanov, MSS. Listed on p. 4 as ‘Старик (м[асло]). А.Ф.Белый. (Летние этюды 1902 г.)’.
Yu.Baltrushaitis et al., Rerikh. Petrograd: Svobodnoe iskusstvo, 1916, listed on p.207 as ‘1902. Старик. М[асло]. (А.Ф.Белый)’.
S.Ernst, N.K.Rerikh. Petrograd: Obshchina Sv.Evgenii, 1918, listed on p. 113 as ‘1902. Старик. Масл. А.Ф.Белый’.
F. Grant et al., Roerich, Himalaya, A Monograph. New York: Brentano Publishers, 1926, listed on p. 186 as ‘Old Man (Oil). A.F. Byely’.
Exhibited: Exhibition of Nicholas Roerich paintings. Manes Association, Prague, January–February, 1906. Listed in the exhibition catalog as ‘41. Starec. Olej [Old Man. Oil]’; Exhibition of Nicholas Roerich paintings. Miethke Gallery, Vienna, May–June, 1906. Listed in the exhibition catalog as ‘29. Alter Mann. Ol [Old Man. Oil]’.
We would like to thank Gvido Trepsa, the Director of the Nicholas Roerich Museum, New York, for his assistance in researching this lot.
The present painting by Nicholas Roerich, executed in 1902, represents an early work in the artist's career. Just five years after graduating from the Academy of Arts, still living in St Petersburg, Roerich already began to gain widespread recognition. He participated in major exhibitions across Russia and Europe, where his works often received acclaim and awards.
Known for his landscapes, mystical scenes, and theatrical designs, Roerich produced very few portraits. The present study, 'Old Man,' was presented by Roerich to Aleksander Belyi, a staff member of the School at the Imperial Society for the Advancement of Arts, where Roerich served as Director from 1906 to 1917. In 1918, Aleksander sold the study to Mr. Nikiforov.
Aleksander Belyi (1874-1934) was a painter born in the Kherson Governorate. He received his artistic education at the Odessa Art School and later at the Academy of Fine Arts in St. Petersburg, beginning in 1894. From 1902 onwards, Belyi taught at the Drawing School of the Society for the Encouragement of the Arts in St. Petersburg, as well as at the school of N.K. Roerich