MELGUNOV SERGEI (1879-1956) Sud'ba Imperatora Nikolaya II posle otrencheniya: istoriko-kriticheskie ocherki. [The Fate of Emperor Nicholas II after Abdication: Historical-Critical Essays]. Paris: La Renaissance, 1951. - 422, [1] p.; 24x16 cm.

Lot 912
Second title page in French. In a publisher's typographic cover. In very good condition. Minor stains on the cover. Sergei Petrovich Melgunov (1879-1956) was a Russian historian, publisher, publicist, and political figure. He participated in the anti-Bolshevik struggle after the October Revolution. Melgunov gained recognition as a historian for his research on the history of the Russian Revolution and the Civil War. He also explored the history of the Russian Church and social movements. This work holds a special place in the author's body of work, concluding the trilogy "Revolution and the Tsar," which Melgunov conceived in the 1930s. In addition to this work, the trilogy includes the books "Legend of the Separate Peace" and "March Days of 1917." The book is written in a lively and engaging language, enriched with profound authorial reflections on the revolution, and based on an extensive source base.