BLOK ALEXANDER (1880-1921) Dvenadtsat' . Skify; [The Twelve]; predisl. Ivanova-Razumnika "Ispytanie v groze i bure" [Foreword by Ivanov-Razumnik "Trial in Storm and Tempest"]. Berlin: Skify, 1920. - 67 pp.; 20x13.5 cm. On the cover: Ispytanie v groze i bure [Trial in Storm and Tempest]. The first foreign edition.

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The title page is parallel in Russian and German. In a publisher's typographic cover. In very good condition. Minor tears on the spine. The edition includes two poems by A. Blok, "The Scythians" and "The Twelve," as well as an article by Ivanov-Razumnik, "Trial in Storm and Tempest." The article discusses the birth of a new world through revolution. The first foreign edition. Blok, Alexander Aleksandrovich (1880-1921), was a Russian poet of the Silver Age, writer, journalist, playwright, translator, and literary critic. He is a classic of 20th-century Russian literature and one of the foremost representatives of Russian symbolism. Razumnik, Vasilyevich Ivanov-Razumnik (real surname Ivanov; 1878-1946), was a historian of Russian social thought, critic, and literary scholar. He belonged to the left Socialist-Revolutionary Party. In the 1930s, he was arrested and exiled multiple times.