BLOK ALEXANDER (1880-1921) Tri stikhotvoreniya [Three Poems] // Literary and Artistic anthology of poems. : Poems by Students of the Imperial St. Petersburg University; Edited by B. Nikol'sky. St. Petersburg: A. Suvorin Printing House, 1903. - Pages 7-9. Dimensions: 23x17 cm. Edition: 1500 copies.

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Publisher's chromolithographed cover. The first journal publication of the poet. The collection includes the poems: "Rannyy chas. V puti nezrima..." [Early Hour. Unseen on the Way...], "Chem bol'ney dushe myatezhnoy" [The More Rebellious the Soul Feels Pain], "Tikho yasnye dni podozhli" [Quiet Clear Days Have Come]. The collection also features works by V. Annensky, V. Polyakov, and others. The edition is illustrated by students of the Imperial Academy of Arts (edited by I. Repin): I. Bilibin, D. Bogoslovsky, E. Lissner, M. Sokolov, and others. The first publication in print of Alexander Blok (1880-1921), a Russian poet of the Silver Age and one of the major representatives of Russian symbolism. Bibliography: Okhlopkov. Pages 29-30.