FRANCIS DE MIOMANDRE (1880-1959) MIGUEL ÁNGEL ASTURIAS (1899-1974) "Legends of Guatemala" Autograph manuscript by Francis de Miomandre, Paris 1930.

Lot 813bis
1 0001 500
175 bluish in 8 leaves, mounted on tabs, written on one side in blue ink. Erasures and corrections. Covers of firm paper of the same tone, with the autograph of the title preserved. Binding in 1 volume in-8 format, half-coloured calico with corners, spine with two or three strong nervures, small tear. In a slipcase. 23 x 15,8 x 4.2 cm. Good condition. Rare and important manuscript of the French translation by Francis de Miomandre of the major work by the Guatemalan writer, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1967, Miguel Angel ASTURIAS. As the manuscripts by Miguel Angel Asturias himself are held by the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, this document is all the more moving for the collector. Pages 130 to the end are an "Alphabetical Index of Idiotisms and Allegorical Phrases". With a signed autograph letter, 2 pages in4. Heading "Les arts et le livre". From the publisher Georges Crès to Jacques Péricard, concerning the publication of a tale in the "Almanach de la Famille française". Enclosed: A copy of the French edition of "Légendes du Guatemala", published by Gallimard in 1953, with two signed autograph letters, one from Francis de Miomandre and the other from Miguel Ángel Asturias. 18.8 x 12,2 x 2 cm. Miguel Ángel Asturias Poète, écrivain et diplomate guatémaltèque.