BALMONT K.D. (1867-1942), AUTOGRAPH [Handwritten collection of poems]: Notepad with handwritten poems. [Paris, 1930-1931].
Lot 345
85 000100 000
- [52] p.; 16x18 cm. Minor corrections, author’s comments and inserts over the text. In whole - leather cover of the epoch. The bookends are covered with ornamental paper. Three - side gold edge. Owner’s stamp ex-libris of Sergey Lifar on the flyleaf, first and last pages. Minor bending traces in the lower corners of the binding.
It contains poems: «Light from inside», «Native Shamrock», «Only love», «self-Condemned», «Irreconcilables», «Kingdom, and Power and Glory»,» I love you»,» Eve»,» Kaunas»,» Kolyadny ring»,» Mistletoe», «Moon divination», « Ludas Gira. Scarlet poppies», etc.
The first poem is dated 1930, the last - 1931. All poems are signed with the letter «K». Almost all poems have a place, date and time of writing, as well as additional details - circumstances or conditions of creation. The last page contains the periodicals and collections in which the poems were published.
Provenance: from the heritage of S. M. Lifar (1905-1986).
Lot of unique historical and cultural value.