NOVIK HISTORICAL AND GENEALOGICAL MAGAZINE Russian historical and genealogical society in America; edited by Dr. Phil. V.G. Senutovich - Berezhnoy.
Lot 283
New York; 1938-1963.
[Five issues]. 1939. - 45 p.; 1952. - 50, 23, 8 p.; 1957. - [6], 50, 20, 19, [2] p.; 1960. - [10], 25, 36, 30 p.; 1963, [2], 30, 27 p.; 28x22 cm. Leonid Mikhailovich Savelov (1868-1947) - famous genealogist, Professor of genealogy at the Moscow Archaeological Institute, founder of the Histo-rical and Genealogical Society in Moscow, author of numerous studies on the history of The Russian nobility. In 1934 Savelov starts publishing the journal «Novik». The magazine was typewritten and published four times a year in 12 copies. In late 1938, Savelov transfered the Novik publica-tion to the Russian Historical and genealogical society in New York. The end of the 1930s and 1940s was a period of prosperity of the «Novik»: it was a quarterly periodical. After 1945, Novik became an annual edition. Among the multiple expatriate periodicals, the magazine became the only genealogical publication.
Very rare in set.