JEAN-PAUL MARAT. 1743-1793. Autograph manuscript (1791). JEAN-PAUL MARAT. 1743-1793. Manuscrit aut S.l.n.d. (1791).

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A fragment of one of his writing relative to the Veto. 1791. 1 pp., in-8 oblong. Rasures and correction, damaged document with slight lack. “The king waits six days longer to block the labors of the Assembly, in refusing his consent to the decree of August 4th. Let us rather say, he makes use of this pretext to dissolve the Assembly itself”. Jean-Paul Marat (1743-1793) was a French political theorist, physician and scientist. He was a journalist and politician during the French Revolution. He published his views in pamphlets, placards and newspapers. His periodical L’Ami du peuple (Friend of the People) made him an unofficial link with the radical Jacobin group that came to power after June 1793. Marat was assassinated by Charlotte Corday, a Girondin sympathizer, while taking a medicinal bath for his debilitating skin condition. Corday was executed four days later for his assassination, on 17 July 1793. From Villiaume Collection. 1 pp. in-8 oblong, ratures et correction ; document endommagé avec léger manque. Fragment d’un virulent discours de Marat évoquant la nuit du 4 août, véritable réquisitoire contre le véto du roi qui était discuté alors à l’Assemblée: (…) Le Véto, une fois consacré, à quoi en serons-nous réduits, si les finances du prince étaient en bon état (…) Le roi s’en servi six jours après pour arrêter les travaux de l’assemblée en refusant sa sanction aux décrets du 4 août ; disons mieux, il s’en servit de prétexte pour dissoudre l’assemblée elle-même (…). Ancienne collection de l’historien Villiaumé.