SAMUEL LIPSCHITZ (1880-1943) Snake dancer
Лот 50
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signed on the bronze pant ‘S. Lipchytz’
bronze triple patina, base in Portor marble
height: 43 cm
Executed circa 1920
Samuel Lipschitz received a traditional education and grew up in Lodz.
He produced tapestries and took an interest in sculpture from a very young age. He developed his talent by carving wood. He left Lodz for Berlin, and later moved to Paris, at La Ruche, and worked as a sculptor on marble and ivory.
His younger brother Morice joined him in his studio in 1912 and Samuel taught him sculpture. In February 1943, Samuel Lipschitz was summoned by the French police and was arrested. His friends did not have time to bring him blankets and his suitcase before he was deported to Auschwitz where he later died.