Publication: Skt. Peterburg, December 1801 - to June 1802]. An impressive collection of Alexander I’s legislative acts a...

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Publication: Skt. Peterburg, December 1801 - to June 1802]. An impressive collection of Alexander I’s legislative acts addressed to the Senate and agreements ratified by the emperor; in its contemporary binding. The ukazy in this volume are arranged chronologically and cover a period of seven months. They comprise of legislative acts of various importance: from decisions on a lawsuits to international political and trade agreements, giving a deep insight into the legislation process during first two years of the reign of Alexander I. The volumes include: - Договор дружбы, торговли и мореплавания … Traité d’Amitié de commerce et de navigation conclu entre Leurs Majestés l’Empereur de toutes les Russies et le Roi de Suède … St. Pétersbourg, de l’Imprimerie Impériale 1801; pp. 37, [3], printed in double columns. - Тариф о сборе пошлин с привозимых и вывозимых из Турецких областей Российскими подданными товаров, постановленный между Российскою Империею и Портой Оттоманской августа 11 дня 1799 года [Tariff of customs duty on goods imported and exported by Russian subjects from the Turkish regions, resolved between the Russian Empire and the Ottoman Porte on 11 August 1799; Turkish title] … V Sanktpeterburge, 1801 goda. Pechatano v Imperatorskoi Tipografii; pp. 4, 66, [2], printed in double columns. Almost immediately after the coronation Alexander I attempted a reform of the Senate, the powers of which were greatly diminished since the reign of Elisabeth. On 5 June 1801 there was published an emperor’s ukaz ordering the Senate to compile a report on its rights and duties, which clearly signified Alexander’s intention to raise the importance of the body. The move was met with great enthusiasm and hope for changes by the members of the legislative body and intelligentsia. On 8 September 1802 Alexander issued an ukaz establishing the rights and duties of the Senate and outlining its structure, as well as relations with other governmental bodies. Despite Alexander’s aspirations to radically change the role of the Senate, the ukaz only restored the body’s rights that it had during the reign of Catherine II and that were abolished by Paul I. Provenance: Library of Congress (bookplate and duplicate stamp). Description and Bibliographical references: Folio (33 x 21,5 cm), 128 ukazy, varying in length from 1 to 49 leaves; printed on a variety of different coloured paper stocks; with a 17-page contemporary ms. index at the beginning. Contemporary half calf; rebacked preserving original spine, corners restored. Neither the treaty with Sweden nor the tariffs agreed with the Ottoman Empire is listed in OCLC.