PUSHKIN ALEXANDER (1799-1837) Les Conteurs Russes ou Nouvelles, contes et traditions russes; par MM. Boulgarine, Karamzine, Narejni, Pogodine, Orlof, Pogorelsky, Panaief, Fédorof, Aladine, A. Pouchkine, Batiouchkof, Bestoujef, etc., etc. Traduits du russe par Ferry de Pigny et J. Haquin. Avec une préface et des notes par M.E.H. Paris: Librairie de Charles Gosselin, 1833

Lotto 816
8001 200
2 vols. Vol. 1 – 12, 376 pp.; Vol. 2 – [4], 416 pp.; 20×12 cm. in French In two period half-leather bindings. Leather spines with ornamental gold embossing, covers glued with coloured paper. In good condition. Scuffs and scratches on the spines, stains in the blocks foxing, stamps, numbers and stickers of foreign libraries, ownership inscription on the title page. The second volume includes an excerpt from A.S. Pushkin’s historical novel The Moor of Peter the Great (pp. 307-320). Lifetime translation. Pushkin began working on the novel in July 1827 and continued until the fall of 1836. The novel was unfinished, and only two selected excerpts were published during his lifetime as "chapters from a historical novel" (in the almanac Northern Flowers for 1829 and in the Literary Gazette in March 1830). Pushkin himself did not title the novel; the name The Moor of Peter the Great was assigned posthumously by his successors at the journal Sovremennik, where the novel was published in 1837 (Vol. VI, No. 2).