ANICHKOV DMITRI (1733-1788) Nachal'nye osnovaniya algebry, ili arifmetiki literal'noi, Sluzhashchiya dlya udobneyshago i skoreyshago vychisleniya kak arifmeticheskikh, tak i geometricheskikh zadach, v pol'zu i upotrebleniye rossiiskago yunoshestva, uprashnyayushchagosya v matematicheskikh naukakh; Sobran'nye iz raznykh avtorov s prisoedineniem gravirovannykh figur na dvenadtstati tablitsakh, Imp. Moskovskago un-ta publichnym ordinarnym professorom, i Moskovskago rossiiskogo sobraniya pri tom zhe Un-te chlenom Dmitriem Anichkovym. [Basic Foundations of Algebra, or Literal Arithmetic, Serving for Easier and Faster Calculation of Both Arithmetic and Geometric Problems, for the Benefit and Use of Russian Youth Practicing in Mathematical Sciences]; M.: v Universitetsskoi tip. u N. Novikova, 1781.

Lotto 806
1 5002 000
227 pages, 12 leaves of diagrams; 20.5x13.5 cm. Twelve engraved tables with geometric figures at the end of the text. In a period full leather binding. Endpapers made of paper with a "peacock feather" pattern. In good condition. Minor losses of leather fragments on the upper part of the spine and the upper corners of the covers, pre-revolutionary owner's inscription on the free endpaper, owner's stamp on the endpaper, pale stains along the edges of the text block. The author of the book, Dmitry Sergeevich Anichkov, was a philosopher-enlightener, logician, publicist, and professor at Moscow University. In 1770, Anichkov began teaching the first philosophical course on ethics ("ucheniya o nravstvennosti i etike"). ["the doctrine of morality and ethics"] in Russia. In 1777, he was awarded the title of Ordinary Professor of Logic, Metaphysics, and Pure Mathematics. According to some sources, Anichkov was a member of a Masonic lodge from 1777. Despite his prolific creativity, most of the manuscripts of his numerous unpublished works were destroyed in a fire. Bibliography: SK XVIII. No. 168.