USTAV KUPECHESKOGO VODOKHODSTVA po rekam, vodam i moriam: [v 2 ch.]. [Statute of merchant shipping on rivers, waters and seas: [in 2 parts].] [SPb.: Tip. Akad. nauk, 1781]

Lotto 804
2 5003 000
Part 1 – 4, 65 pp.; Part 2 – 4, 8, 66-109 pp.; 31x19 cm. In two mid-20th-century owner’s bindings. In good condition. Minor traces of adhesive along the spine in blocks. The publication contains the following articles: ‘The position of ship or ship's officers and watermen and others on the ship or vessel’, ‘A sample agreement or contract of a shipbuilder or ship owner with ship or ship's officers or watermen’, ‘About the owners of the ship or vessel’, ‘About insurance’, ‘About convoy or protection’, ‘About accident or adventure’, ‘About wreck or loss, about the reward of salvation, and about pilots’, and others. aspects concerning merchant shipping. Presents bibliographic and historical value. Bibliography: SK XVIII. No. 7585.