PETER I (1682-1725), LOST AUTOGRAPH A letter addressed to V.I. Gennin, instructing him to come from the Urals to St. Petersburg for a report, with thanks for finding ores and setting up factories, and with a promise to grant ownership of the Pyskorsky copper factories. St. Petersburg, December 24, 1724

Lotto 803
40 00050 000
[4] p.; 19.5x16 cm. Written in clerk's hand, the emperor's autograph is only his signature "Peter". At the end of the text, the note: "24 den dekabrya 1724, iz Piterburkha" ["24th day of December 1724, from St. Petersburg"] and the postscript were made by the secretary. Note on the reverse: "Received at Pyskor on the 19th, 16th day of January 1725." The first owner of the letter was one of the founders of the Pskov Archaeological Society, archaeographer and bibliophile N.K. Bogushevsky (1851–1891). A decade after his death, the autograph came into the hands of Parisian antiquarian Noël Charave (1861–1932) and N.P. Likhachev (1862–1936), an outstanding specialist in auxiliary historical disciplines and a collector of manuscripts, to whom the antiquarian turned for an expert assessment. A draft of the letter is kept in the Archive of the St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RS. F. 270. Op. 1. D. 107. L. 551–551 ob. A late 19th-century copy); published in: Legislative Acts of Peter I. P. 713. (Bazarova T.A., Chirkova A.V. The Lost Letter of Peter the Great to Georg Wilhelm Gennin. On the History of Expert Thought and the Antique Market // QP 2021. Vol. 9. No. 3). This autograph represents a unique historical and cultural value of museum level.