Lotto 727
(i) LAMBERT BOS Vetus testamentum ex versione septuaginta inerpretum, 1610 Pp. 901-904, 1 feuille, 37 x 22,5 cm (ii) CAESARE CALINO Samuel Ecclesiaste, In Cathedrum Productus AB A.R.P. Caesare Calino, Soc. Jesu. Sive Sermones Sacro-Morales Supra Samuelis Librum, Qui Primus est Regum, ad instituendos piis moribus cujus cunque status hominess accommodati , Ed. Martini Veith, 1740 Pp. 185-186, 1 feuille, 31.5 x 19 cm (iii) CALEPINUS F. AMBROSIUS (Ambrogio) Septem linguarum Calepinus. Hoc est lexicon latinum, variarum linguarum interpretatione adjecta in usum Seminarii Patavini, Ed. Joannem Manfrè, 1758 1 feuille, 38 x 25,5 cm (iv) LAURENCE CLARKE A complete history of the Holy Bible, contained in the Old and New Testament: in which have been inserted the occurrences that happened during the space of four hundred years, from the days of the prophet Malachi to the birth of our blessed Saviour…, V. 2, 1740, London Pp. 329-330, 1 feuille, 34.5 x 22 cm (v) LAMBERT MARIA STADLER Auserlesene Feyertags-Predigten, mit eingemengten Lobreden, über die Geheimnisse unsers Herrn, und Heilandes, wie auch der allerseligsten Jungfrau, und Gottesgebährerinn Maria, und für die Feste der Heiligen Gottes. …. Ed. Augsburg u. Innsbruck, Im Verlag bey Joseph Wolff, 1768 Pp. 19-20, 1 sheet, 32.5 x 19.5 cm (vi) FRANCISCI SALVIJ A Brania Comitis, S. Theologiae Doctoris in Academia Duacena ... Commentarij in tertiam partem S. THO AQUINATIS..., Ed. Anvers, 1695 Pp. 260, 1 feuille, 35,5 x 21,5 cm (vii) R. P. JOANNE BAPTISTA GONET CLYPEUS THEOLOGIAE THOMISTICAE, V. 4, Ed. Anvers, 1794 (?) Pp. 989 - 990, 1 feuille, 33 x 20 cm