ALEXANDER ALEXEEV (1901-1982) Giraudoux J. . La pharmacienne [The Pharmacist] cover design and woodcuts by Alexeieff. Paris: Éditions des Cahiers libres, 1926. - Paris, 1926

Lotto 812
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In French. Edition of 340 copies. Copy No. 31. Frontispiece and 6 illustrations on separate sheets - black and white woodcuts. In the publisher's illustrated cover. In very good condition. Rare foxing. One his early examples of woodcut illustrations. Alexander Alexandrovich Alexeev (1901-1982) was a Russian and French graphic artist, book illustrator, and animator of Russian origin. Inventor of the needle screen. In 1921 he settled in Paris, becoming a pupil and assistant to S. Sudeikin. In 1922-1925 he worked as a set designer in many Parisian theatre companies: for N.F. Baliev's 'Bat', in the theatre 'Knock' of J. Romain, fulfilled commissions for theatre productions of J. Pitoyev, F.F. Komissarzhevsky, G. Baty, 'Russian Ballet' of S.P. Diaghilev. From 1925, with the support of the writer F. Supo and publisher J. Shifrin, he began to receive commissions for book illuminations.