Lotto 806
8001 000
Photographers: Axel Malmström (two photos) and Karl Wahlberg (one photo). Dimensions: 18x12 cm; 13x18 cm; 14x21.3 cm; 21x14 cm; 24x18 cm. On the reverse sides of the photographs: inscriptions of the era, stickers with printed text; on the reverse of three photos - photographers' stamps; on the reverse of two photos - stamps of Swedish periodicals: Svenska Dagbladets Illustrationsakkiv and Svenska Dagbladets Bild-Arkiv. In good condition. On the right edge of one of the photos, four holes from a hole punch. Ivan Alekseyevich Bunin (1870-1953), the first laureate among Russian writers, was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1933 for 'his strict mastery in developing the traditions of Russian classical prose.' According to the classic himself, such recognition was primarily linked to his novel 'Life of Arseniev'. The award ceremony took place on December 10, 1933, in the Stockholm Concert Hall. In his Nobel speech, which the writer worked on for a long time, Bunin noted that the prize was awarded for the first time to a writer in exile. King Gustaf V of Sweden presented the Nobel medal and diploma to the laureate. The writer received a check for 170,331 Swedish kronor (715,000 francs). Ivan Alekseyevich donated part of the prize to those in need. Axel Malmström (1872-1945) was a Swedish photographer of the first third of the 20th century, known for his innovative photojournalistic works in Stockholm in the early 20th century; his photographs are classics of Swedish photojournalism; 11,000 of Malmström's negatives are kept in the collections of the Stockholm City Museum