NABOKOV V., BUNIN I., REMIZOV A.] Vereteno: Literaturno-khudozhestvennyy almanakh. Kn. 1 [i yedinstv.]. [Vereteno: Literary and Artistic Almanac. Book 1 and only.] Berlin: Otto Kirchner i K⁰, 1922.

Lotto 801
247, [1] s., [5] l. il.; 26x20 sm. In the publisher's ornamental cover by I.I. Mozalevsky. Title pages, endings, and artistic decorations by S. Segal and V.A. Belkin. The cover and several notebooks are detached from the block, tears, losses of fragments of the cover and spine, stains, foxing. The only issue of the almanac. In the issue: poems by V. Nabokov, I. Bunin's 'Temir-Aksak-Khan,' A. Remizov's 'Khristov Krestnik,' E. Gollerbach's 'Dary poeta' [The Poet's Gifts], and others.