ALEXANDER BLOK (1880-1921) Sobranie stikhotvorenii: v 3 kn. [Collected Poems: in 3 vols.] M.: Musaget, 1911-1912.

Lotto 742
Kn. 1: Stikhi o Prekrasnoi Dame. [Vol. 1: Verses about the Beautiful Lady] - 2nd ed. 1911. - [6], 208, [24] p.; Kn. 2: Nechaiannaia radost' [Vol. 2: Unexpected Joy]. - 2nd ed., add. 1912. - [8], 152, [18] p.; Kn. 3: Snezhnaya noch' (1907-1910) [Vol. 3: Snowy Night] . 1912. - [8], 194, [18] p.; 23.8x15.5 cm. Edition of 1,300 copies. Each book is in the publisher's typeset cover with a vignette. Title pages printed in two colors. In good condition. The cover is detached from the block (Vol. 1, 3), some pages are uncut. The first collected poems of the poet. Bibliography: Turchinsky. P. 81; Rozanov. No. 2270, 2271; Lesman. No. 313.