CATHERINE II (1762-1796) - Empress of Russia Ukaz e.i.v. samoderzhitsy Vserossiyskoy, iz Pravitelstvuyushchego Senata 'O rekrutskom nabore'. --[Decree of Her Imperial Majesty, the Autocrat of All Russia, from the Governing Senate 'On Recruitment'.]

Lotto 702bis
Printed in St. Petersburg: by the Senate, September 11, 1794. - [2] p. Minor foxing, traces of moisture at the bottom corner. 'Dlya oblegcheniya guberniy, s kotorykh sobirayutsya rekruty dlya napolneniya sukhoputnykh i morskikh nashikh sil, i dlya ustanovleniya vsevozmozhnoy srazmernosti v obyazannostyakh otnositel'no oborony Gosudarstva…'. ['To ease the burden on the provinces from which recruits are gathered to fill our land and naval forces, and to establish all possible uniformity in the duties regarding the defense of the State...']