GAVRIIL KONSTANTINOVICH ROMANOV (1887-1955) Manuscript draft of a letter from Gavriil Konstantinovich Romanov, addressed to Prince Nikita Alexandrovich Romanov. Berlin. January 8 / 31, 1928.

Lotto 962
In the letter, Gavriil Konstantinovich informs about the discontinuation of correspondence with Nikita Alexandrovich, who "gryubo i tsinichno" ["rudely and cynically"] spoke about Metropolitan Evlogii. Tak mozhet pisat' chelovek ne uvazhayushchii ni sebya, ni drugikh". ["Such things can only be written by someone who respects neither himself nor others."] Prince Gavriil supported Metropolitan Evlogii (1868-1946) during his conflict with Metropolitan Antonii. Grand Duke Gavriil Konstantinovich Romanov (1887-1955) was the great-grandson of Emperor Nicholas I and the cousin of Nicholas II. He was the second son of Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich, known as poet K.R., and Grand Duchess Elizaveta Mavrikievna (born Elizaveta Augusta Maria Agnes of Saxe-Altenburg). One of the first children of the imperial family to receive the title of prince of the blood imperial at birth; in exile, he was granted the right to be styled Grand Duke. Nikita Alexandrovich Romanov (1900-1974) was a prince of imperial blood, the third son of Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich and Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna. He was the grandson of Emperor Alexander III through his mother's line and the great-grandson of Emperor Nicholas I through direct male lineage.