PUSHKIN ALEXANDER (1799-1837) Brat'ya razboyniki [The Robber Brothers] (written in 1822) - 2nd ed. Moscow: Typ. A. Semen, 1827.

Lotto 895
15, [1] p. Publisher's engraved covers. Uncut Censorship permission was given on 9 June 1827, censor - Ivan Snegirev. The date of the second edition was 22 June 1827 (price 42 kopecks), but it was not put on sale, except for an insignificant number of copies. The very rare pieces of this edition were considered a bibliographic rarity on the 19th century bookseller's market. But in 1915, 900 copies were found, and this edition no longer had the status of rarity. The edition became more frequent than any other of Pushkin's lifetime books. Bibliography: Markov. No. 16; Rozanov. No. 1362; Sm.-Sok. No. 996; Sm.-Sok. Pushkin. No. 10.