GOLIKOV IVAN (1735-1801) Deianiia Petra Velikago, mudrago preobrazitelia Rossii; Sobrannye iz dostovernykh istochnikov i raspolozhennye po godamThe [Deeds of Peter the Great, the Wise Reformer of Russia; Compiled from Reliable Sources and Arranged by Year]: in 12 volumes. Moscow: v Universitetskoi tip., u N. Novikova, 1788-1789. - Volume 4. 1788. - XVIII, 3-408,

Lotto 888
[1] pp.; 23x14.5 cm. In brown full leather binding of the period. Band-stitched spine. Front cover detached from the block, missing title page. A monumental historical work written by Ivan Ivanovich Golikov (1735-1801), the son of a Kursk merchant and businessman. Golikov was not a professional historian, but his extensive work became one of the first attempts to systematise the events of Peter the Great's life and work. More than one generation of Russian people was educated on the "Acts", A.S. Pushkin used Golikov's book when creating the poem "Poltava", the outline of the "Acts of Peter the Great" was the basis of the poet's unfinished work on the history of Peter the Great's epoch. Bibliography: SK XVIII. No. 1487; Bitovt. No. 2191; Sopikov. No. 3619.