PIERRE JOUSSON ‘EROTICS’ La Balance, 1967 Album of artistic erotic photographs by Pierre Jousson.

Lotto 794
In folio, Italian format. Beige cloth hardback portfolio and slipcase. 1 black title leaf printed in white, 1 black leaf printed in white in the centre ‘A few copies of this confidential work have been printed for friends’, 37 high-contrast photographic plates on black backgrounds printed on Arches paper, 6 plates of free verse by Louise Labé and Pierre de Ronsard. 28 x 39 cm Case 29.7 x 40 x 2.7 cm - Portfolio 29 x 39.5 cm Free verse by Louise Labé (1524-1566) French poetess of the Renaissance and one of the leading figures of the Lyon School. Pierre de Ronsard (1524-1585) One of the most important French poets of the XVIᵉ century.