MAYAKOVSKY VLADIMIR (1893-1930) Dlya golosa; Konstruktor knigi [For the Voice; Book Constructor] by El Lissitzky. Moscow; Berlin: Gosizdat; Typ. Lutze & Vogt GMBH, 1923. [2], 61 pages: illustrations; 19x13 cm. Edition of 3,000 copies.

Lotto 856
Publisher's cover and book design by El Lissitzky. The anthology of poems by V. Mayakovsky "Dlya golosa" [For the Voice], designed by El Lissitzky (1890-1941), was published in Berlin in 1923, where both the poet and the artist were located at that time. The poet selected 13 poems for the collection. The collection did not appeal to the Moscow State Publishing House, which was almost a monopolist in the book market before the introduction of the New Economic Policy (NEP) in 1921. It wasn't exactly prohibited, but it clearly wasn't recommended for printing. That's when the idea of releasing the collection in Berlin emerged. It was facilitated by Z. Greenberg, a representative of the People's Commissariat for Enlightenment and the State Publishing House in Berlin. With his help, the book's first pages bore the stamp "R.S.F.S.R. State Publishing House. Berlin 1923," even though Moscow did not grant permission for it. The printing was done in two colors: black and red. The illustrations, montage, font selection, and overall book design (based on the principle of registration) were executed in the style of constructivism. This edition is considered one of the finest examples of Russian avant-garde. A prime example of Russian constructivism in book publishing. Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky (1893-1930) was a Russian and Soviet poet, playwright, screenwriter, film director, actor, and artist. He is one of the most significant Russian poets of the 20th century and a classic of Soviet literature. He served as the editor of the journals "LEF" and "Novy LEF." Bibliography: Tarasenkov. p. 245; Lesman. No. 1488.