GUMILEV NIKOLAI (1886-1921) Zhemchyuga: Sthikhi Pearls. Verses.]. Moscow: Skorpion, 1910. - [4], 167, [13] pp.; 23x17 cm. Edition of 1100 copies.

Lotto 837
In a composite owner's binding: leather spine with gold embossing, covers covered with marbled paper. Publisher's cover is missing. In good condition. Rubbing on the binding, small fragment loss on the title page, minor stains, dedication in violet ink on the front flyleaf; numerous pencil markings in the text. The book is primarily composed of poems from 1907-1910, with the addition of the previous collection "Romantic Flowers" (1908). The collection, published in the second half of April 1910, was opened with the inscription: "Dedicated to my teacher Valery Yakovlevich Bryusov." Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilev (1886-1921) was one of the central figures of the Silver Age, the founder of the Acmeist school in Russian poetry. He was a prose writer, playwright, translator, literary critic, traveler, and Africanist. He undertook two expeditions to Eastern and Northeastern Africa in 1909 and 1913. He was executed on August 26, 1921, on fabricated charges of involvement in the anti-Soviet conspiracy of the "Petrograd Combat Organization of Tagantsev." He was posthumously rehabilitated. Bibliography: Turchinsky. p. 156; Lesman. No. 734.