GONCHAROV IVAN (1812-1891) Obryv [The Precipice: A Novel in Five Parts]. St. Petersburg: v Tip. Morskago m-va [the Naval Ministry Press], 1870. T. 1. 555 pp.; T. 2. 667 pp.; 21x15 cm.
Lotto 808
Two volumes in composite bindings from the late 19th century: leather spines and corners, marbled paper on covers. The title of the edition is erroneously embossed with a mistake as "Obryd" in gold lettering on the spines. Marbled edges. In very good condition. Minor rubbing to the edges of the covers. Owner's inscription in Latin script on the title pages.
The third and final novel by I.A. Goncharov, which he worked on for twenty years. After its completion, he rarely published new works. The novel was initially serialized in the journal "Vestnik Evropy" [Messenger of Europe] in 1869.
Goncharov referred to his novel as "the child of my heart" because he had been working on it for a long time. The author was dissatisfied with the novel and wrote to Afanasy Fet: "I carried it for too long, hence it turned out large and clumsy. I endured it."
First separate edition.
Bibliography: Lesman. No. 648.