LOMONOSOV MIKHAIL (1711-1765) Kratoke rukovodstvo k krasnorechiyu [A Brief Guide to Eloquence] Book One
Lotto 787
Containing Rhetoric Demonstrating the General Rules of Both Eloquence, That is, Oratory and Poetry, Composed for Those Who Love the Sciences of Words." [Second Edition]. St. Petersburg: published by the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1748. [1765]. - [2], 315, [1] pp.
Bound in full leather with remnants of gold embossing along the spine, patterned paper endpapers, triple-tinted edges. An ownership inscription in Latin script with gall nut ink dated April 28, 1776 on the verso of the second flyleaf.
There are four editions of "Rhetoric" dated 1748. This edition of "Rhetoric" is the second one, published in 1765 with a print run of 1,200 copies. The typesetting was done based on the correction sheets from 1747-48, revised by Lomonosov's own hand, although some of his corrections were not incorporated. Distinguishing features of the second edition: the last line of §4 on page 2 reads "sim trebovaniyam" ("according to these requirements").
Bibliography: SK XVIII. No. 3744.