TOLSTOY ALEKSEI (1817-1875) Polnoye sobraniye sochineniy; s portr. gr. Alexeya Tolstogo i kritiko-biograficheskim ocherkom S.A. Vengerova: [v 4 t.]. [Complete Works; with a portrait of Count Alexei Tolstoy and a criticalbiographical essay by S.A. Vengerov: [in 4 volumes]. Saint Petersburg: A.F. Marx Publisher, 1907-1908.

Lotto 958
Volume 1: [Poemy, Povesti, Dramy] [Poems, Stories, Dramas]. 1907. - 540 pages, 1 frontispiece (portrait); Volume 2: [Dramaticheskata Trilogiya] [Dramatic Trilogy]. 1907. - 623 pages; Volume 3:[Belletrichicheskie proizvedeniya] [Fiction]. 1907. - 472 pages; Volume 4:[Dnevnik, Perepiska] [Diary; Correspondence]. 1908. - 316 pages; 20x14 cm.) Four volumes in owner's full leather binding. In good condition. Rare foxing.