JOHANN WILHELM WENDT (1747-1815) FRANZ G. ZU ERBACH (1754 -1823) "Silhouetten" The book of silhouettes of Count Franz zu Erbach drawn by Johann Wilhelm Wendt.
Lotto 884
Silhouettes of relatives and friends, various members of the noble families of Erbach in the 18th century drawn from life in perfect likeness.
Erbach silhouette book edited by Karl Morneweg, Erbach I.O., and produced in autumn 1923 on behalf of the Insel-Verlag in Leipzig. The lithographic printing of the silhouettes was carried out by the F.A. Jütte Institute for
Graphic Art, Leipzig. The edition consists of three hundred and thirty copies, of which three hundred are numbered 1-300, and thirty copies not intended for the trade with No. I-XXXX were numbered by hand.
This one is numbered XXIX.
Bound in contemporary ½ calf, marble boards, six-ribbed spine, red gilt title label on second. Reprinted in lithographs of the rare silhouette book, published in 1790 by Franz G. zu Erbach, which presented the various
counts of Erbach and their families, as well as several other noble families, such as Solms-Wildenfels, Westerburg, Grumbach, Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Dernbach, and also several government officials.
In German. 21 pp. Ill. 65 lithographs of silhouettes on a green background.
37 x 27 x 2 cm
Johann Wilhelm Wendt
German master builder and painter who became particularly well known as a silhouette tailor.
He was a master builder in the service of Count Franz I of Erbach-Erbach. From around 1785 onwards, he created a collection of around 65 silhouettes of friends and important personalities from his circle of acquaintances, which were published in 1924 in the collection of the
Schloss Erbach library. He became known throughout Germany for his complete silhouettes. Wendt accompanied Count Franz zu Erbach on his second trip to Italy in 1791 and recorded his impressions in a journal.
The manuscript can also be found in the castle library. He also created the silhouettes of Prince George Wilhelm of Hesse-Darmstadt and his son-inlaw Duke Charles II of Mecklenburg (-Strelitz) and his family.
Franz Count Erbach-Erbach (1754 -1823)
German nobleman and art collector.