SEM (GOURSAT GEORGES, 1863-1934) Albums of caricatures

Lotto 77
2 5003 000
Albums of caricatures Set of portfolio albums containing preparatory plates partially colored or heightened with white, some pasted on cardboard, presenting for some handwritten annotations of edition, and prints belonging to several albums, of which: - Album 15 - Monte Carlo, 1st series - 1905 - préface, 6 plates on paper (including 1 double) and 3 plates on board. - Album 13 - Paris - 1903 - one project for poster for Sam Exibitio at Musée Carnavalet 1979 and 16 plates (including 5 double). - Album 12 - Paris, Maxim’s, June 1902 - 8 plates Provenance: Collection of Jane Derval Private collection, Monaco Condition: Many of the proofs intended for printing and the printing plates have defects (weake-ned paper, missing margins, frayed edges, etc...). SEM was an illustrator, poster artist, caricaturist, social columnist and French writer. Numerous famouse personalities of Parisian life are represented in the of the caricatures, such as the prince Murat, the prince Galitzine, the Princes Poniatowsky and Troubetzskoy, the duchess of Uzès, the duke of Morny, the duke of La Force, the barons of Rothschild and Gunsbourg; Boni de Castellane; also some painters: Giovanni Boldini, Leonetto Cappiello, Otero, Liane de Pougy, Réjane.