ALFRED BRUCE DOUGLAS (1870-1945) Autograph letter signed to the Marquise de Croizier, Sabine Cogordan.
Lotto 574
8001 200
Hove (Sussex in England), October 25, 1935.
2 pp. in-4.
«I am very sorry to be obliged to tell you that my beloved mother… is very ill, &, unless she is better tomorrow, I am afraid I must put off the pleasure of seeing you tomorrow. My mother was 90 last may and has been an invalid for a long time… ; but only yesterday when I saw her, she seemed quite well (comparatively) & cheerful. But she had an attack in the early hours of this morning and the doctor says he does not think that she can get over it. She might easily die tonight & she was given extreme unction this afternoon…”.
Lord Alfred Bruce Douglas was a British poet and journalist best known as the lover of Oscar Wilde.