QUARENGHI Giacomo (1744-1817) Fabbriche e disegni. Mantua: 2 vol.: Fratelli Negretti, 1843-1844.

Lotto 230
2 5003 000
Two volumes in one, folio, title and dedication printed in colours, etched frontispiece, engraved portrait of Quarenghi, and 124 full-page engraved plates showing plans and elevations, list of subscribers, some spotting and light waterstaining, uncut, contemporary half-calf; a bit rubbed. The preferred edition, much enlarged with more than 120 architectural plates, of the (mostly Russian) achievements of “probably the most influential of the architects and interior designers brought to Russia from Italy by Catherine the Great” (Riba III, p. 1589). The work describes and illustrates building projects in and around St Petersburg including palaces, government buildings, churches, theatres, and asylums. Some famous places are depicted, especially in the Imperial palaces, such as the Winter Palace (theatre), Tsarskoe-Selo (baths and others), Peterhof etc. (+) This lot is under temporary importation and is subject to import tax (EU).