MAX PLANCK (1858-1947) Plaquette imprimée intitulée «Sinn und Grenzen der exakten Wissenschaft»

Lotto 881
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(«Meaning and limits of the exact sciences»). Extract from the journal Die Naturwissenschaften, fasc. 9/10. Berlin, Springer-Verlag, November 1942. Booklet in-folio, 9 pp., paginated 125-133, stapled, with a few creases in the folds. Signed autograph consignment, dated 18 July 1942: «Frau ... Richardz, zur freundliche Erinnerung von dem Werk...». («Madam... Richardz, in friendly remembrance of the work...») The father of quantum theory, Max Planck was one of the architects of the upheaval of physics at the beginning of the 20th century. His extensive work includes thermodynamics, radiation theory, relativity, and philosophy of science.