Lotto 221
8001 200
Reign time of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich and a review of the interregnum: in 2 parts.
SPb.: print. H. Hinze, 1832. - Part 1. [4], V, 301 p., [4] p. Il., cart. port. 21, 5x14
In semi-leather red embossed Morocco binding of the time. Gold-embossed spine.
The portrait of Count Mikhail Vasilyevich Skopin and the image of the first ship built
in Russia are made in lithography, the picture ‘the Seal of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich’
and the plan of the siege of Smolensk — cutting engravings on copper. Minor tears
of the spine margins.
Berch Vasily N. (1781-1834) - Russian historian of the Navy and marine geographical
discoveries, Colonel.
All the books of the historian V. N. Berch are rare.
Bibliography: Obolyaninov. No. 181.