Lotto 722
1 2001 500
Ottoman poems, translated into English verse
in the original forms, with introduction,
biographical notes, and other notes by E.J. W.
Gibb, M.R.A.S.
London, Glasgow 1882, 272 pages
23x19x3 cm, 930 gr
Elias John Wilkinson Gibb (1857 - 1901)
was a Scottish Orientalist who was born and
educated in Glasgow. After studying Arabic
and Persian, he developed an interest in
Turkish language and literature, especially
poetry, and in 1882 he published Ottoman
Poems Translated into English Verse in the
Original Forms.
Gibb acquired a knowledge of Arabic and
Persian languages, and became especially
interested in Turkish language and literature.
He got married and moved to London in 1899.
He made a few visits to Europe, but never
visited the regions that he studied. He did,
however, come to be viewed as a sympathetic
and talented orientalist, with an excellent
library. Gibb died in London of scarlet fever at
the age of 44, and only the first volume of his
masterpiece appeared before his death.