THE COMICS: an illustrated weekly newspaper, published on Saturdays LES HUMORISTES: journal hebdomadaire illustré paraissant le samedi. 1911.
Lotto 829
Paris, 1911. No.
1-10. 32, 5x25, 5 cm. Full set. In a full leather individual binding of the mid-twentieth century.
Weekly illustrated satirical newspaper. Numerous black and white illustrations in the text. Each issue came in a color illustrated publishing cover containing two full-color illustrated pages.
Illustrations by Carlegle, Galanis, Forain, Herman-Paul, Ibels, Leandre, Poulbot, Steinlein, Willett, Gris, etc.
Text’s authors: Jean Cocteau, Curnonsky, Sasha Guitry, R. Ponchon, Rip, Collette Willy, Paul Poiret, etc.
Rare in set.
1911. №1-10.