HOZIER (Captain H.M.).

Lotto 16
HOZIER (Captain H.M.). The Russo-Turkish War. Including an account of the rise and decline of the Ottoman power, and the History of the Eastern question. London, William Mackenzie, s.d. 2 vol. in-4, eggplant half-calfskin with corners, smooth back ornamented with gilded lets and frieze, thin garland gilded on the lay ats (period bin- ding). Worn back, reinforced hinges. Interesting work on the question of Orient and in particular in Bulgaria, with the history of military operations from the Russian-Turkish war of 1877- 1878. Ornamented with a cover portrait for each volume tome, 22 plates, 3 maps in colour. HOZIER (Captain H.M.). The Russo-Turkish War. Including an account of the rise and decline of the Ottoman power, and the History of the Eastern question. London, William Mackenzie, s.d. 2 vol. in-4, demi-veau aubergine à coins, dos lisse orné de lets et frise dorée, ne guir- lande dorée sur les plats (reliure de l’époque). Dos passé, char- nières renforcées. Intéressant ouvrage sur la question d’Orient et en particulier sur la Bulgarie, avec l’historique des opérations militaires de la guerre russo-turque de 1877-1878. Orné d’un portrait-frontispice à chaque tome, 22 planches, 3 cartes en couleurs.