PETROV A.D. (1794-1867) ‘Shakhmatnaya Igra’ [The Chess Game, Systematically Arranged, with a Compilation of Philidor’s Games and Notes on Them], Published by Alexander Petrov: [in 5 parts]. SPb: pub. N. Grech, 1824. [Book 1], P.1-2: The Theory of Chess. - 1824. - [4], XII, 5-165, [3] p.: illustration, tabl.; [Kn. 2], Ch. 3-5: Practice of chess. - 1824. - [4], 102, 78, 88, [8], XII, p., [48] l. ill. 18.5 х11.5 cm Edition - 300 copies.

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The illustrations on the separate leaves - stratagems (images of chess positions) - are executed in a chromolithography technique. Composite binding of the same period. Covers glued with «marbled» paper, later spine glued with brown linen. The flyleaves were renewed. Very good condition. Minor foxing to block, loss of a flyleaf at the beginning of the book, gluing of the flyleaves along the spine, loss of frontispiece. Complete set of chess tables. Alexander Dmitrievich Petrov (1794-1867) was the first Russian chess master, chess theorist, chess composer and writer. One of the strongest chess players in the world in the first half of the 19th century. He was a secret councillor. For five decades, the master was unrivalled in matches against the leading players of the Russian Empire. Contemporaries nicknamed Petrov the Northern Philidor. In 1824 in St. Petersburg, Petrov published his first chess book in Russian – ‘The chess game, systematically arranged, with a compilation of Philidor’s games and notes on them’put into a systematic order, with the addition of Filidor’s games and notes on them». At that time, there was only one manual, but it was intended for beginners. The book by Petrov corresponded to the latest theoretical ideas of that time and was valuable for experienced chess players. It was published in 1824 in 300 copies. The first part contains a description of the pieces and their power, explaining notation; the second part contains a description of the different stages of the game and recommendations on their conduct; the third, practical part, contains commentary by the author on the games of Philidor, analysis of openings and endgames. Up to that moment, there was no systematic chess play textbook in the world - there were published basics for beginners, commented games, collections of openings, endgames and problems. The book by A.D. Petrov has become a handbook for generations of Russian chess players. It was read by A.S. Pushkin, I.S. Turgenev, N.G. Chernyshevsky. It was kept in the library of A.S. Pushkin in two copies, one of which was presented to the poet personally by the author. Today A.D. Petrov’s book is a bibliographic rarity.