Set of Nine Hand-Coloured Plates of Sledges (including one duplicate). Publication: Howlett and Brimmer, and Dove for Ed...
Lot 368
Set of Nine Hand-Coloured Plates of Sledges (including one duplicate). Publication: Howlett and Brimmer, and Dove for Edward Orme, London, [ca. 1825]. Russian carriages and sleighs and their occupants, all dressed in contemporary cos- tume and boldly coloured. The plates come from “A Picture of St. Petersburgh”, one of the best-illustrated books on St. Petersburg, the Russian capital. This is the com- plete set of carriages with horses. "The stand of the Hackney coachmen", "Russian females entering a sledge", "A Public carriage", "The Sledge of a Russian citizen", "Public vehicle for summer", "Russian country carriage", "The winter Russian tra- velling carriage", "A Russian courier conveying dispatches". Description: Nine hand-coloured aquatint plates engraved by Clark and Dubourgh after Mornay, cap- tions in English and French, 30,5 x 40 cm, plate 7 in duplicate; pl. 1 and double of pl. 7 trimmed to borderline, margins sl. soiled, remains of binding on edges.