[ALEXANDER III] - GOPPE, GERMAN (PUBLISHER). Venchanie Russkikh Gosudarey na tsarstvo. Couronnement des Souverains Russes. Publication: Eduard Goppe for German Goppe...

Lot 260
Venchanie Russkikh Gosudarey na tsarstvo. Couronnement des Souverains Russes. Publication: Eduard Goppe for German Goppe, Skt. Peterburg, 1883. EXTENSIVE AND RICHLY ILLUSTRATED STUDY, IN RUSSIAN AND FRENCH, OF THE RUSSIAN TSARS’ CORONATIONS, UP TO ALEXANDER III’S IN 1883. Published the same year, the present volume dedicates more than its half to this last event, describing ceremonies, protocols, spectacles, foreign delegations and gifts to the new tsar. The rich illustration is composed of more than 200 wood engravings, sometimes taken from of cial coronation books, showing tsars’ portraits, ceremonies, Moscow views, palaces and churches, as well as regalia, furniture and diplomatic presents. Description: Folio (41.5 x 29.5 cm). Half-title, title, dedication, preface with a list of illustrations, and 283 pp. with numerous wood engravings in text, some double-page. Publisher’s printed upper wrapper pasted over contemporary half binding; rubbed and worn.