Русское искусство
27 октября 2020
Hotel Hermitage

All lots marked with the symbol “plus (+)” are under temporary importation are subject to import tax (5.5%) (EU).
For details see General terms and conditions.
Fine Art Lots: 506, 507, 509, 511, 513, 515, 516, 517, 518, 520, 521, 522, 523, 524, 525, 558, 559, 560
Russian Art Lots: 8, 27, 28, 29, 30, 40, 41, 45, 46, 51, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95
The following lots are subject to Artist's Resale Right (an additional 3% will be added to hammer price).
(Authors of original works of art are entitled to a royalty each time one of their works is resold through an art market professional)
Russian art Lots: 41, 45, 46, 83, 84
Fine Art Lots: 504, 518
Manuscripts Lots: 717, 721, 757
EXPORT of PURCHASES (from General terms and conditions)
22.1. In view of the Customs Union existing between France and Monaco, all exports outside the Principality of Monaco are subject to the rules and regulations applicable in France.
22.2. All Lots coming from any territory within the Customs Union or benefiting from a temporary importation, if it remains in the Customs Union, may be removed upon presentation of a proof of payment of the Purchase Price. If the Buyer intends to export the Lot outside of the Customs Union, it will be up to him to perform all the necessary procedures and formalities required by the applicable law. Under no circumstances shall Hermitage Fine Art or the Huisser be pursued for non-compliance or non-completion of the said formalities.

Please be advised that after the fall of the auctioneer's hammer, the buyer is fully responsible for his lots, including the shipment and the execution of all necessary procedures and formalities required by the laws in force (both in Monaco/France and in the country of destination). The packaging is carried out entirely at the buyer’s risk.

Please note that the buyer is responsible for checking and fulfilling all conditions for the transportation of the acquired lots to the final destination, including but not limited to checking the import status of the lots, and the applicable regulations for importation at the destination.

Certain lots require an export license and/or a certificate in order to be released to the buyer, depending on the export destination and the lot’s category (see reference table Tableau comparatif des définitions de biens culturels UE-FR for cultural goods), which will need to be requested by the buyer to the concerned authorities.

Further, for certain lots painting and manuscripts, customs formalities might be required.

We recommend to confirm the above with your transportation company.

For contact information about local shipping companies and customs brokers, or general guidance about export licences and certificates, please contact us at info@hermitagefineart.com
Please note that additional services remain responsibility of the buyer and must be paid for directly to the third party operator providing the service.
Hermitage Fine Art declines any responsibility in relation to the processes described above and services provided by third party operators.

Каталог онлайн

Лот 18
10 000 15 000
Лот 103
350 450
Лот 125
15 500 17 000
Лот 200
ПЁТР II (1715-1730)
1 200 1 500
Лот 202
ЕКАТЕРИНА II (1762-1796)
7 000 8 000
Лот 203
ЕКАТЕРИНА II (1729-1796)
2 800 3 500
Лот 24
У реки
5 000 7 000
Лот 215
МОНФЕРРАН (1786-1858)
1 200 1 500
Лот 216
1 500 1 700
Лот 226
ПЁТР I (1689-1725)
200 300
Лот 231
1 200 1 500
Лот 242
НИКОЛАЙ II (1868-1918)
2 800 3 000
Лот 243
БУЛЛА К.К. (1855-1929)
400 500
Лот 244
НИКОЛАЙ II (1868-1918)
500 600
Лот 247
500 600
Лот 255
1 000 1 500
Лот 272
400 500
Лот 275
РЕРИХ Н.К. (1874-1947)
1 200 1 500
Лот 278
ЕСЕНИН СЕРГЕЙ (1895-1925)
3 800 4 200
Лот 287
ФЕЛИКС ЮСУПОВ (1887-1968)
1 800 2 200
Лот 289
300 400
Лот 291
КЕРЕНСКИЙ А.Ф. (1881-1970)
1 500 1 700
Лот 294
ДЕНИКИН А.И. (1872-1947)
1 800 2 000
Лот 295
ВРАНГЕЛЬ П.Н. (1878-1928)
2 800 3 200
Лот 298
КУТЕПОВ А.П. (1882-1930)
800 1 000
Лот 301
1 600 1 700
Лот 331
400 600
Лот 345
ЖУКОВ Г.К. (1896-1974)
5 000 5 500
Лот 347
СТАЛИН И.В. (1878-1953)
400 500
Лот 354
ПАВЛОВ В.Е. (1895-1989)
300 400