NIKOLAI GUMILEV (1886-1921) Lot of four books
Lot 754
1)Browning Robert. Pippa Prokhodit [Pippa Passes]. Severnye Zapiski [Northern Notes]. 1918. No. 3, 4. pp. 34-56; 62-98. 23x16 cm.
In a paper owner's cover. First publication of the translation.
2) Afrikanskaya Okhota [African Hunt]: Iz putevogo dnevnika N. Gumileva [From N. Gumilev's Travel Diary]; Vsadnik [Horseman]. Lit. i nauchno-populyarnoe prilozhenie k 'Nive' [Literary and Popular Science Supplement to 'Niva']. 1916. No. 8. pp. 555-563. 23x16 cm.
In a paper owner's cover. The book is enclosed in a contemporary cardboard folder with a leather spine. First publication of the essay.
3) Gondla: Dramaticheskaya poema v chetyrekh deystviyakh [Gondla: Dramatic Poem in Four Acts]. Russkaya Mysl [Russian Thought]. 1917. Book 1. pp. 67-98. 23x16 cm.
In a paper owner's cover. The book is enclosed in a contemporary cardboard folder with a leather spine.
First publication of the drama.
4) Viele-Griffin. Kavalkada Izoldy [Cavalcade of Isolde]. Severnye Zapiski [Northern Notes]. 1918. No. 1. pp. 58-70. 23x16 cm.
In a paper owner's cover. First publication of the translation.
Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilev (1886-1921) was one of the central figures of the Silver Age, the founder of the Acmeist school in Russian poetry, a prose writer, playwright, translator, literary critic, traveler, and Africanist. He conducted two expeditions to Eastern and Northeastern Africa in 1909 and 1913. He was executed on August 26, 1921, based on fabricated charges of participation in the anti-Soviet conspiracy of the 'Petrograd Combat Organization of Tagantsev.' He was posthumously rehabilitated.