Catalogue en ligne

Lot 35
Ptolemy II Philadelphos (285-246 BC)
Didrachm, Alexandria, 270-261 BC, AU 6,94 g
40 000 50 000

Lot 37
Ptolemy VI Philometor (180-145 BC.)
Octodrachm, Alexandria, 180-116, AU 27,84 g
20 000 30 000

Lot 40
Seleukid Empire
Seleucos I (312-280), Tetradrachm, Persepolis, 300 BC, AG 16,82g
10 000 12 000

Lot 128
Burgundians - Gundomar II (524-532)
Tremissis in the name of Justin I, AU 1.44 g
5 000 6 000

Lot 146
Constantine IX Monomachus (1042-1055)
2/3 Miliaresion, Constantinople, AG 2.18 g
3 500 4 000

Lot 157
Gold medal of 4 ducats, 31,5 mm, AU 13,74g.
Ref : Katz 551 (argent): cf. Kull 273
10 000 12 000

Lot 186
Kaiser Friedrich I, 1155-1190, Brakteat, Gelnhausen, ND (1180-1190), 0,77g
18 000 20 000

Lot 195
Bologna, Giovanni Bentivoglio II, 1494-1509.
Doppio Ducato, Bologna, AU 6.95 g
20 000 30 000

Lot 202
Joachim Murat (Gioacchino Napoleone), 1808-1815.
20 Lire 1813, Naples, AU 6,41 g
5 000 6 000