SOLZHENITSYN ALEXANDER (1918-2008) Sobranie sochineniy; s prilozheniem kriticheskikh statey o tvorchestve avtora i dokumentov po tak nazyvaemomu 'delu Solzhenitsyna.' [Collected Works; with the addition of critical articles on the author's work and documents related to the so-called "Soviet case against Solzhenitsyn"]: in 6 vols. Frankfurt am Main: Possev, 1969-1970.

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[Vols. 1-5 of 6]. Vol. 1: Odin den' Ivana Denisovicha: povest'. Rasskazy. [One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich: a novel. Stories.] - 1970. - 307 p.; Vol. 2: Rakovyy korpus: povest' [Cancer Ward: a novel.] - 1971. - 592 p.; Vol. 3: V krugе pervom: roman. [The First Circle: a novel.] (Chapters 1–47). - 1969. - 408, [2] p., [1] leaf portrait; Vol. 4: V krugе pervom: roman. [The First Circle: a novel.] (Chapters 48–87). - 1970. - P. 409–806; Vol. 5: P'yesy. Rasskazy. Stat'i. [Plays. Stories. Articles.] - 1969. - 271 p.; 20.7x14 cm. Photographs of the author, as well as his portrait by Moscow artist V. Sidur. Design by A. Rusak. In publisher's bindings and dust jackets. In very good condition. Minor soiling on the dust jackets. First collection of essays, with Nobel Prize winning material. Rarity.