FROM THE COLLECTION OF D. SOLOZHEV (1908-1994), Solovyov S.M. (1820-1879)
Lot 328
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Obshedostupnie chteniya o russkoy istorii Sergeya Solovyeva [Open readings on Russian history by Sergei Solovyov]. M: tip. Moskovskogo un-ta (Katkov i K),, 1874.
- [4], 343 p., 2 il., maps; 24x14 cm.
Frontispiece lithograph ‘Monument to the Millennium of Russia’, at the end of the book a fold-out map of Europe. Individual half-leather binding from the period. Bound in gilt spine, in the lower margin superexlibris «Z.P.». On the flyleaf a stamped ex-libris of N.L. Pashennyi, a handwritten book mark of D.A. Solozhev with the date and place of purchase of the book (14-II-74 Paris). A postcard «Builders of Russia’s glory and greatness» (1962) is glued to the free frontispiece.
Pashnyi Nikolai Leontyevich (1896- 1978) - jurist, public figure, publicist. He participated in World War I and the Civil War. For many years he was a member of the Society of Lovers of Russian Military Antiquity.
Solozhev Daniil Andreyevich (1908-1994) - artist, graphic artist, poet and bibliophile. After the revolution he lived with his parents in the Crimea. In 1920 he was evacuated to Constantinople, then lived in Bessarabia. During the war he was forced to work in Germany. He lived in Lyon from 1945 and in Paris from 1960. Painted landscapes, portraits, religious scenes and illustrated Russian and French classics. Presented his works at the Salon of the Société des Beaux-Arts de Lyon, he was awarded the gold medal in 1958. He wrote poems and published several poetry collections. Known as a bibliophile - collector of lifetime editions of Russian classics.