RING with the Emperor Nicholas I's Monogram Gold, semi-precious stones, diamonds, enamel

Lot 84
35 00050 000
Gold, semi-precious stones, diamonds, enamel St. Petersburg, 1854. Hallmarks: - "A" of the master (partially covered with the hallmark of St. Petersburg) - 72 - St. Petersburg, 1854. Weight 24,72g The golden bejewelled ring is decorated with eight semi-precious, colorless stones (two replaced with old rhinestones). The gold monogram of Nicholas I is in the centre of the ring, covered with blue enamel and decorated with a scattering of diamonds.The ring was presented as an imperial gift in 1854 to Edward Dickerson by a US patent specialist who accompanied the famous American gunsmith, Samuel Colt, during his visit to St. Petersburg in 1854. On the inside of the ring engraved in French: "Sa Majesté L'Empereur Nicholas Pawlowitch à Mr. E. N. Dickerson »(His Excellency Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich, Mr. EN Dickerson). Date: "Dec. 1854 "and the number:" 394 # ". This ring belonging to Dickerson, was mentioned in his obituary, published in the New York Times (13.12.1889): "He made a tour of Europe, during which he was for a considerable period the guest of the Emperor Nicholas of Russia, who in parting with him presented him with a ring in which the imperial initial was set in diamonds. " In November 1854, E.N. Dickerson accompanies S. Colt to St. Petersburg. Within a few days, Emperor Nicholas I receives guests in the Gatchina Palace and accompanies them when examining the famous collection of inventions collected by Peter I. In the archives of St. Petersburg, documents were found con rming the gifting of rings to Colonel S. Colt and US citizen E. Dickerson. Signet rings are No. 985 (Colt) and No. 997 (Dickerson) on the list of ornaments retained by His Majesty's Cabinet. Colt’s ring is kept in the art museum of Wadsworth Atheneum, in Harford (Connecticut, USA). Provenance: 09/12/2014, Collin du Boccage, Paris Private collection, Switzerland